Why is Fukushima classified as normal?
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Author:  hey [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Why is Fukushima classified as normal?

Hi, CounterSmash
I understand you are new to Forum, so I will be glad to explain how you are misunderstanding the word "NORM". N.O.R.M stand for Natural Occurring Radioactive Material and NOT normal. Anyone that uses normal to describe Fukushima disaster must be crazy and needs to go work over there, Japan is looking for a few good crazy men. server calculates the NORM (Natural Occurring Radioactive Material) from the CPM (counts per minute) over a three month time period. That becomes the NORM background radiation level. This is done every night on all 3000+ stations. During the next 24 hours, the radiation level is compared to the NORM background radiation and the delta increase in the radiation level set the RADCOM (Radiation Condition) level.

One last thing, does a disaster like Fukushima counts into the NORM (Natural Occurring Radioactive Material)? The answer is YES, why. The scientists set the standard, before ever existed. I would have used a different acronym, like Total Background Radiation or TBR. What would you use to discribe the TBR?


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