Ghostbusters caught a radioactive material ???
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Author:  hey [ Tue May 06, 2014 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Ghostbusters caught a radioactive material ???

I feel like the man in Ghostbusters. The station in Arkansas with high readings has an active charcoal filter and I believe I caught a hot radioactive material in the filter. I swapped out the Geiger counter with a unit from Gurdon, Ar and that unit registered high yesterday. Now I am using a different Geiger Counter and the radiation level is climbing high again. It looks like an active charcoal filter is holding the radioactive material. Now the 64 million dollar question. Where to store the radiation that is on the filter.

PS. The radioactive material will only be detected when the temperature is above 70 degrees. I am thinking about freezing it.

Author:  KingCobra [ Wed May 07, 2014 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters caught a radioactive material ???

Why not mail it to my friend who has the equipment to test it a verify what is there?

Remember my friend wanted a soil sample too from your area?

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