I'm xxxx, French tv journalist working for international French tv press agency Keep in News in New York. We provide tv stories to the main French tv networks from our 3 offices in Paris, New York and Brazil.
I'm writing you because I'd like to get informations on your recent radiation datas that your website released.
- How did you get these informations?
The information is from the EPA.gov Radnet database. They have about 100 station in the US and publish their data about every hour.
- How do you explain these datas?
Netc.com is an Early Warning Radiation Detection System that calculates the NORM background radiation level and compares with the current radiation level at that station. The RADCON levels are set according the the delta increase radiation level.
- is such radiation a hazard for the population?
We do not join in the debate of radiation is hazard to the population. We take the position that there is no safe level of radiation. Netc.com warns of increasing radiation only.