What Happens During A Refueling Outage At Nuke Plants?
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Author:  KingCobra [ Mon May 16, 2016 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  What Happens During A Refueling Outage At Nuke Plants?

Here is a link to an interesting read about what happens during a nuclear plants refueling outage and why.

Author:  KingCobra [ Mon May 16, 2016 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens During A Refueling Outage At Nuke Plants?

I found this information above very interesting because U.S. nuclear expert engineer Arnie Gundersen has previously talked about how during a nuclear plants refueling outage, the spent fuel gets put in the spent fuel pool. As a result, this hot fuel boils off more of the spent fuel pool water and releases more contaminated water vapor in to the atmosphere than prior to the refueling outage. Please note that there are two types of reactors, PWR's and BWR's. Also know that spent fuel must be kept under water for 3 - 5 years before it's cooled down enough so it will not catch fire when exposed to air.

In the article linked above it says:

In a PWR, typically all of the fuel is removed from the core and placed in a used fuel pool, making it easier to conduct maintenance on the reactor core itself.

This means that more nuclear contaminated water vapors are released from a nuclear plant during and after a refueling outage of plants with PWR type reactors than BWR type reactors.

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